#CollegeReunion over #MountainBiking

Tried to test my limits today, yet again. It was time for some #MountainBiking

Cycling our way to the monastery, we decide to take a break. Sitting by the roadside on the dry grass, carefree, agenda-less brought back the same feeling we had back in college days. This is more bound to happen when you are doing a reunion trip with your college friends!!

The small flowers in the shrubs dancing to the wind, the buzzing bees trying to maintain their flight, the incessant chatter of the insects changing with the speeding gale, the grey clouds making way & honoring the dark ones, the monkeys calling out to their families... all signalled just one thing.....time to get up and going as it's the incest of the rains!!

Some more cycling in the deep woods, this time with the downpour.

My favourite quote reverberates in my ears..
" The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep.
And miles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep" ...by Robert Frost 


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